Participants PE
Primary Education Working Group
PE WG Summary.docx
Eleonora Faggiano (University of Bari, Italy)
Damjan Kobal (University of Ljubliana, Slovenia)
General educational narrative:
- the aims of primary education
- math: teaching arithmetic or comprehension
- child's Why and the Wizard Because
- learning to comprehend by simple arguments
- getting far by many small steps
Technology narrative:
- computer thinks instead of us (versus)
- computer challenges us to think deeper
Learning with GeoGebra narrative:
- ideas worth learning (versus)
- ideas capable of teaching
We shall focus on exploring the ideas and experiences of creative use of GeoGebra on all subjects and areas of primary education.
Teacher's education narrative:
- apostles of good teaching (with GeoGebra)
- what can I do to improve my teaching (with GeoGebra)
- what can I do to help others to improve their teaching (with GeoGebra)
Participant's suggestions are welcome. Final form and content of our discussions will very much depend on participants expertise and experiences.
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