GeoGebra Developers Working Group, Wed, 30. August
This working group welcomes everyone who wants to help with coding for GeoGebra.
Markus Hohenwarter (Johannes Kepler University, Austria),
Michael Borcherds (Queen Mary's Grammar School, UK),
Groups Tuesday
- GeoGebra Web & GWT: GWT compatible codebase
- Interface & Equation Editor: consistency, editor in Java or JavaScript?
- Numeric and symbolic algorithms: implicit curve intersection, efficiency
- Code Profiling & Optimization: HPROF
- GeoGebra Web refactoring: one code base
- 3D algorithms for parametric surfaces, intersecting curves, 3D input device: webcam
- Non-Euclidian view for spherical / hyperbolic geometry: using 3D code
- Barycentric coordinates, triangle centers
- Interactive Whiteboard: Corinna has a list
- Profiling, Bug Fixing: JVM Monitor
- Locus Equation: JAS -> Reduce
- Proving & symbolic computations
- USB Logging, Kinect, Phoenix
- Equation Editor: interface & spreadsheet
- Moodle: connection to GeoGebraTube, exercises
- Spreadsheet / Statistics enhancements
Possible threads
Development tips and tricks:
- Eclipse tips
- General Q&A about the structure of the code
- Performance (file loading!)
- Code Structure / Cleanup
- Automatic testing (unit tests, integration tests, etc.)
- Multithreading
Necessary changes to integrate
into GeoGebra.
New Ideas / Features:
- Logging (eg Go!Motion, Phoenix, Kinect, Arduino, .NET Gadgeteer)
- Equation Editor
- Adding Video to GeoGebra 5.0
- Scripting / Programming
- Adding a "kids'" programming language to GeoGebra (Python, Logo, Scratch, JavaScript, etc)
- Java: Build-in scripting engine
- Simplified 'versions' of GeoGebra?
- GeoGebraPrim: do we need simpler Tools, large buttons?
- Session on GIT
- Mirror server network / load balancing
GeoGebra Developer Day, Thursday, 1. September
This day after the GeoGebra Conference allows the GeoGebra developers to discuss future plans in detail.
- Location: Seminar room of RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Hagenberg near Linz
Tentative Schedule for GeoGebra Developer Day
- 9:00 Some hot topics
Eclipse Tips: Profiling, Debugging
Coding Tips
Continuity Problem
- 10:00 - 11:00 Split up in small groups for CAS, 3D, Mobile, Equation Editor, etc.
- What are your plans for GeoGebra 5?
- What does your group need to get there?
- 11:30 - 12:00 Plenary discussion of group outcomes
- 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch & Coffee
- 13:30 - 15:00 Work in groups
- 15:00 - 16:00 Plenary discussion
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