
Parallel Sessions 1

Page history last edited by Wim van Velthoven 13 years, 5 months ago Saved with comment

Mon, 10:30-12:00

Parallel Sessions 1

GI, Room: HS 5

GD, Room: HS 6

TE, Room: HS 3

PE, Room: HS 4

Room: Audimax


Zsolt Lavicza

Istvan Juhos


Michael Borcherds
Markus Hohenwarter 


Mark Dawes

Adrian Oldknow


Eleonora Faggiano
Damjan Kobal





Mark Robinson


Interactive Whiteboards, Document Cameras and
Student Devices.

Bringing it all together

(60 min)



Winkowska-Nowak Katarzyna

Spread of innovation in education on example of GeoGebra: case of European countries

Michael Borcherds

The Development of GeoGebra 4.0

Werner Olivier

Using GeoGebra applets as a supplement to a technology based skills upgrade programme for in-service mathematics educators in South Africa

Milena Marić and Vojislav Andrić

Developing Interactive Didactic Material using GeoGebra for Early Stages of Primary Education

Antohe Valerian GeoGebra in the Context of the IT Surrounding Environment 

Florian Sonner



David Obrador Sala GeoGebra Moodle module: how to embed GeoGebra files into Moodle and reporting student’s learning processes

Link of presentation

Behiye Ubuz and Serpil Yalcinalp

 Exploring the Use of GeoGebra for Teaching and Learning Higher Level Cognitive Tasks at the Elementary Level

Alexandra Emilia Fortis, Adriana Binzar and Antohe Valerian

GeoGebra for All Ages

Simon Weitzhofer and Markus Hohenwarter


Jiří Vaníček and Josef Lombart

The computer as a drawing tool and school performance in geometry

Wim Van Velthoven

A technical perspective: Using GeoGebra from within other Java applications


Ján Gunčaga and Janka Majherova GeoGebra as a motivational tool for teaching and learning in Slovakia

Mathieu Blossier                

GeoGebra 5.0: space geometry

İbrahim Kepceoglu

Using GeoGebra in teaching of limit and continuity 


Damjan Kobal

The art of teaching is being smartly simple – GeoGebra role model




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