
Parallel Sessions 2

Page history last edited by Judit Robu 13 years, 5 months ago Saved with comment


Mon, 14:00-15:30

Parallel Sessions 2

SG, Room: HS 5

OE, Room: HS 6

CSC, Room: HS 3

RP, Room: HS 4

Room: Audimax


Evelyn Stepancik
Esteban Diaz


 Morten Misfeldt

 Peter Boon


Mike May   

George Sturr


Gabriel Stylianides
Anders Sanne








Mark Robinson (Promethean)


Interactive Whiteboards, Document Cameras and
Student Devices.

Bringing it all together

 (60 min)


Kaja Maricic

Problem Solving Using GeoGebra –The Case of Geometry


Jeno Szigeti

The powers of a Special Adjacency Matrix


   Djordje Herceg and Dragoslav Herceg

Theorems of type “there exists τ such that...” and GeoGebra 

Istvan Talata

Demonstrating Discrete Geometry problems by Geogebra

Alla Stolyarevska

Creating a help for the students 

Rudolf Großmann               

The GeoGebra MediaWiki Extension

Judit Robu and

Anna Soós

GeoGebra and Stochastics 

Evelyn Stepancik Reasoning-and-proving around the circumference 

Zlatan Magajna

An observation tool for GeoGebra dynamic constructions 

Morten Misfeldt and Anders Sanne

Mathematical writing with GeoGebra

Ayhan Aksoy, Özge Yiğitcan Nayir and Şeref Mirasyedioğlu Design and Management of Teaching and Learning Process in the Secondary Mathematics Lesson by Dynamic Mathematics Software 

Daniela Velichova

Interactive Cognitive Tools in Mathematics


Amitava Saraswati and Nandini Saraswati

Dynamic illustrations of some Fibonacci identities

presentation file1Part6.1.pdf





Yong-Joon Kim and Myung-Soo Kim

Efficient Geometric Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces

Mike May

Evangelizing beyond early adopters: Developing materials to train teachers in the use of GeoGebra 

Anthony Or

Using GeoGebra to Cater for Learning Needs Identified in Territory-wide System Assessment


Working Groups: Session 1


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