Tue, 10:00-12:00
Parallel session 3
TE, Room: HS 5
CSC, Room: HS 3
GD, Room: HS 4
SG, Room: Audimax
Room: HS 6
Mark Dawes
Adrian Oldknow
Mike May
George Sturr
Markus Hohenwarter Michael Borcherds
Evelyn Stepancik Esteban Diaz
Christian Kohls
(SMART Technologies)
Lesson design for Interactive Whiteboards
(60 min)
Gerrit Stols
Does the use of technology make a difference in pre-service teachers’ geometric cognitive growth?
Anton Vrdoljak
Advanced Simulation for Solving Van der Waals’ Equation
Gabor Ancsin
GeoGebraMobile – GeoGebra on mobile devices
Takaci Durdica and Takaci Arpad Generalized function and GeoGebra
Gerson Pastre Oliveira and Celina A.A.P. Abar
Pedagogical workshops of Mathematics Education and ICTs
Péter Körtesi
Using GeoGebra in Teaching
Julian Lettner
GeoGebra on iPad and Android tablets
Miguel A. Abanades
LocusEqu: a command to (symbolically) obtain the equation of a locus
Nada Razpet Explanation of a phenomenon with picture, equation and simulation
Milad Afshinmanesh Dynamic Teaching
Dynamic Teaching
Darko Drakulic and Philipp Birklbauer
Implicit curves
Francu Nicolae
Locus Examples and a Rainbow of Algebra
Marko Razpet
A diacaustic curve
Werner Olivier Using GeoGebra applets as a supplement to a technology based skills upgrade programme for in-service mathematics educators in South Africa
Michael Borcherds Using GeoGebra & JavaScript to Create a Sophisticated Online Assessment System Presentation
Plans on Moodle
Roman Hasek
Numerical analysis of a planar motion
Valentyna Pikalova
Problem Solving with Pre-service Teachers
Dr. P. K. Chaurasia and Prof. I. K. Rana
Geogebra Kit in Geometry at secondary Stage
Presentation file
Miguel A. Abanades and Francisco Botana An Automatic Deduction Environment for GeoGebra Based on the Open Source Computer Algebra System Sage
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